I’ve been having an ongoing conversation with a friend for weeks now about the individual experience within the human function. We’ve agreed that it’s easy to become disenchanted with the whole of humanity through disappointment that accompanies the awareness of people’s inability to live more mindfully within both mundane processes and intentional practices. It seems that when we align ourselves with and dedicate ourselves to seeking more genuine experiences, that those claiming to be on the same path should also have the capacity to live inside like-minded truths.
However, so many people are looking for comfort in an identity. Just because the masses flock to yoga classes and vocalize the acknowledgement of divinity within each of us through the word Namaste, that doesn’t mean that they have truly committed to living life consciously. Joining a group of people with whom you expect to find understanding, support, encouragement, and guidance often does not provide you with what you expect.
Some people wear labels on the outside of their clothing or display them on personal possessions, and some prefer less conspicuous garment or product labels that aren’t instantly recognizable except by those who are familiar with those brands. People like to associate themselves within group identity; and, perhaps it’s prompted by biological survival instinct or innate egoistic tendencies, but it contributes to how humanity essentially functions.
When you acknowledge that people are who they are and therefore hold no expectations beyond that, you cannot be significantly impacted by disappointment and are freed from the crippling grip of judgment. It takes so many different types of people contributing to the whole of humanity for it to interpret its many levels of complexity through subjective experience. People do find identity within various labels, and whether they expose those labels or keep them hidden, it’s all part of the experiential process. Allowing yourself to accept humans as such gives you the capacity to appreciate your place and the time you’ve been given on this planet.
Although developing your brand identity may not evolve through philosophical evaluations as considered above, it is important to understand how you are portraying it. Once you establish your branding voice, you need to carry it through your marketing and advertising campaigns. Your clients, partners, and customers do have an expectation of what they will attain through your product or service based on branding.
When you are selling a product, you are selling more than just a thing – you are selling an identity, a feeling that people want to associate with when using your product. They are buying into something that they want to incorporate into their own identity. Who are they? Who is your target market? How old are they? How do they spend their time? What are their interests? What do they want to feel and experience through your brand? Are you giving them what they expect from the way you’re portraying your brand?
Perhaps you can answer some of these questions about the people buying into your brand, but are you able to create a marketing strategy that will reach your demographic effectively? If you think you could use some help, the High Road Agency can definitely assist you in developing and utilizing your brand identity to see the ROI!