When spring returns with warm sunshine and cool breezes, we know that it’s time to step into the newness that comes with it.
One of the first things we do in celebration of spring is change out our wardrobes. We open the windows and put on some tunes that take us to a place filled with hopeful inspiration while pulling sweaters and boots zealously out of our closets. All the wools, long sleeves, turtlenecks, and heavy fabrics get tossed into a big heap to be packed away which leaves the closet space open for clothes with lighter fabrics and brighter colors.
Nostalgia emerges with an urge to create when you start digging into crates of spring clothes that have been packed away for months though the cold and dark days of winter. Clothing allows you to express any aspect of who you are or who you want to be and how you want to portray yourself to others. Some articles of clothing remind us of wonderful moments that we may want to incorporate into the emergence of ourselves within a new season, and we put them on hangers with some notion of how we can recreate ourselves again.
With the arrival of spring also comes a shift in activity in the world around us. People are getting out and about – socializing, engaging in outdoor recreation and their favorite hobbies. They are changing their online habits, and how they engage with social media will alter as well.
Business owners, marketers, and social content managers need to take this into account. As the weather gets warmer, clothes get lighter, and activity patterns change, people will be using their mobile devices less often in the afternoons and more often later at night. The use of smartphones and tablets will be slightly higher on weekdays than on weekends. The seasonal shift doesn’t necessarily change engagement time as much as it requires more creative marketing context that matches real-world preferences and habits according to Marketing Land.
Freshen up the content and keep it seasonal. Focus on portraying lifestyle through a brand rather than promoting products exclusively. People like to know where their friends are hanging out, so encourage your audience to check in at your location if applicable. Don the new trends of spring by appealing to how your audience is using your product and why your brand expresses a lifestyle.