How many times have you started a new job, or even just a new project within your job, and realize that you don’t know precisely what to do because you don’t have enough information about it? It’s happened to everyone, it is just part of life and the nature of doing something new.
When I joined The High Road Agency nearly four years ago, my primary experience with social media marketing stemmed from the work I did for my former company through grassroots marketing. I worked with a corporate marketing team who developed branded advertising materials and marketing initiatives, although they did encourage incorporating individual creativity with store-specific promos, events, and contests. Twitter was brand new and Facebook didn’t even have company pages when I started working with social media. When Instagram came along, I was in love! Come on, I got to take artsy pictures of fantastic food!
On my first day with the High Road team, I was asked to create content for things I had never given a second thought to… like trucks. I knew how to pour oil into an engine, but otherwise, I knew nothing about models, trims, and types of engines. Let’s just say that I was sucked in by a Cummins engine video, and decided that trucks were pretty cool. I have since been tasked with creating content for accounts to promote within the industries of off-road and performance vehicles, motocross racing, music events and festivals, security systems, health and medicine, humanitarian efforts, HVAC services, athletic events, real estate, and gardening to name a few. And, I am still able to enjoy my passion for food and beverage through a couple of my accounts.
I didn’t know a whole lot about many of these industries when the accounts were assigned to me, but I have learned along the way. Sure, it’s a process and takes time to develop a successful social engagement strategy, but social media is fast paced and you have to make content relevant to the industry in relation to the business or organization in its market while considering the target demographic that may be affected seasonally.
So what’s the best way to learn about the accounts? Research is great, but working with original content is more effective. Whether that’s getting down in the dirt on the gate at a motocross event to snap pictures, traveling to Las Vegas to learn more about automotive marketing, or drinking amazing craft beer at your client’s taproom, personal experience is the best way to understand your client, their products and services, and how to promote them.
At The High Road Agency, we want to know you, what you do, and why you do it, then we can promote what it is that you really offer, not just what you sell.