I’ve been doing some seasonal shoe shopping lately and have found some pretty fantastic sandals and pumps locally, but have also found some online. Trying shoes on in stores is convenient in ensuring that they fit. Purchasing through websites however may seem convenient but may be more of a hassle when the size is just a bit off. It takes time to go into stores to ensure a good fit, but it also takes more time if an Internet purchase does not fit properly.
Finding the perfect fit with the most incredible butterscotch Italian leather sandals from a store is just as exhilarating as scoring on vintage Gucci pumps online. However, when the Coach pumps and Ugg booties ordered online don’t fit, waiting for refund approval and the cost of mailing them back is frustrating, time consuming, and costly.
Social Media channels each have a unique fit when it comes to cover and profile images. You cannot count on one size to fit all. Using your social platforms to brand your business effectively requires consistency and image quality with appropriate dimensions. Your logo will get distorted if you don’t take time to learn the image requirements for each channel and adjust it properly. Constant Contact has created a super helpful social media size chart with image tricks to help you create the best quality branding and content images for your business.
According to Simply Measured, seventy-seven percent of brand engagement on Facebook happens on photos, while only sixty-two percent of the posts shared by brands are photos. Posting images will be way more effective than just using text. Images are also viewed differently on individual social platforms, so you may want to consider what images sizes you are using too.
Your logo image and branding images are designed with specific dimensions. In order to maintain the integrity of your images, it’s important to adjust the sizes according to the channel dimension guidelines. If that seems like a daunting task, let High Road Digital do it for you.