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Is Web Design Dead?

Is Web Design Dead?

Ah, web design. The ubiquitous practice of creating a website. An activity that you can do yourself with open-source tools or that you can spend more than it cost to build your house and furnish it. And a profession that was deemed to be secure because, well let’s...

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We’ve Reached “Late Majority” on Smartphones in the U.S.

The Importance of Mobile Ready Websites

The domestic and global trend towards mobile devices poses unique opportunities for businesses: be found on-the-go, create beautiful content optimized for small screens, sell products to consumers regardless of location, all part of a mobile ready strategy. As global...

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The Efficiencies of Blimps

The Efficiencies of Blimps

Aside from the Hindenburg and Goodyear, most people don’t know much about blimps. Perhaps that’s because they are seen as an antiquated form of transportation or perhaps most people just don’t care. But the blimp has a fascinating story. Originally designed as a...

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Explore Bristol Holiday Ornament Photo Station

Check out Bristol’s newest attraction! We are proud to have worked with Explore Bristol in creating the Explore Bristol Holiday Ornament Photo Station, which made its debut at the Downtown Center on Nov. 21. The Photo Station, which stands 10 feet high, shimmers with Winter Wonderland blue and white holiday lights and is positioned in front of Bristol’s iconic Country Music Mural.