Can You Remember What That Said?

Can You Remember What That Said?

I recently spent a week at the beach with my family, and one of the things that I noticed was that airplanes are still flying up and down the beach pulling banners with signs for Wings or Eagles or Big Kahunas. Here they would come every few minutes dragging a banner...
Surround Yourself with Happy

Surround Yourself with Happy

I recently went camping for the weekend with my wife’s family in Birmingham, Alabama. My wife’s parents went as well as my wife’s brother and his family from Memphis and her other brother and his family from Birmingham. This has become a yearly event now to sort of...
Eliminating the Junk

Eliminating the Junk

My wife and I have recently been doing a 30 day eating/cleanse program called Whole 30. It’s tough. For 30 days, you eat nothing but whole foods. If you don’t really know what that means, let me give you a little insight into the experience. No grain, no bread, no...
It’s All in the Details

It’s All in the Details

I don’t know if you are a detail person or not. I notice things I pay attention to the people who star in the movies I watch, even the minor roles. I notice when one of the apples has been removed from the fruit bowl on the countertop. I notice when...
Are You Talking to Me?

Are You Talking to Me?

I was watching the NBA All-Star game this weekend, and I found myself reminiscing about some of the All-Star games I used to watch years ago when I was much younger. These were back in the days of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Isaiah Thomas. As I...